Page-a-day challenge
I'm generally not big on internet challenges (only because it's so easy to cheat!), but this one caught my eye. Weronika Janczuk is hosting a Page-a-Day Challenge from May 15 - June 15, which is pretty self-explanatory: set a goal to write one page per day. No more, no less. (I'll be in London/Bath/Reykjavik for a few of those days, and because I haven't yet decided if I'm bringing my Mac with me, this might be an interesting challenge for me for a lot of reasons!)
Sounds easy, right? That's the beauty of it. I'm in the habit of blocking out entire weekends to write, which means that (while I love those weekends) usually at some point on Saturday afternoon I'm cursing myself for not simply spreading out my writing over the week. Well, this is my opportunity. Because one page a day is so minimal, but it amounts to so much. (And honestly? Of course I'm going to end up writing more than one page a day! Weronika explains how very nicely here.)
Everyone involved will be Tweeting with #padc, too, so you can track us on Twitter, should you be so inclined.
Already today I'm off to a full-day session of Girls Write Now and then two birthday parties, so, uh, apparently I'll be writing my first page sometime around 2am. Cheers!
Edited to add: First page written! I managed to sneak it in after GWN and before I leave for the eve. This is a brand new project, and it feels awesome.